The Two Most Famous Physical Therapists On The Internet Endorse iReliev TENS Unit
If you search “physical therapists” on YouTube, it will take you straight to Bob and Brad. This physical therapy YouTube channel boasts over 2.2 million subscribers. The duo started creating educational YouTube content in 2011. By that time, Bob and Brad had already acquired decades of combined experience in the field. The two sought to share their knowledge of self-care and self-treatment with the world wide web.
About Bob & Brad
Brad Heineck, PT, C.S.C.S. finished his physical therapy education in 1996 when he graduated from the University of La Crosse, Wisconsin. Heineck has continued his education over the years, deepening his knowledge of sports medicine and neck and back pain. He has been a Certified Strengthening and Conditioning Specialist since 2001. He is also known for his ability to make the most of physical therapy equipment for his patients. This experience makes him an excellent source of knowledge for self-treatment.
Heineck’s partner on the Bob and Brad channel is Bob Schrupp, PT, MA. He’s the former President of the Mayo Clinic Physical Therapy Alumni Association. He is now the founder and owner of a major rehabilitation agency called Therapy Network, Inc. which serves parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Schrupp has also had experience in creating physical therapy tools, like the Knee Glide™. For this reason, he is an additional good resource for folks looking for ideas for home care.
Together, Heineck and Schrupp release up multiple videos per month on their Bob and Brad YouTube channel and showcase their recommended product on their website. Their content covers everything from product reviews to tips for taking care of your body to answering viewer questions.
The Most Famous Physical Therapist On The Internet (In Their Opinion Of Course)
The two “most famous physical therapists on the internet” have endorsed the iReliev TENS unit on multiple occasions. In one video, they set out to answer a frequently asked question—“Can TENS help my pain?” The answer, of course, is yes! And the duo explains this by elaborating on the therapy’s ability to both stimulate endorphins and cut off pain signals to the brain through gate theory.
They go on to endorse iReliev TENS units in particular because of their affordability and accessibility to users. iReliev has units on multiple price levels, starting as low as $49.95 and topping off at $179.95 for their completely wireless model. The iReliev TENS and EMS products are versatile, with features like wireless options and rechargeable units. iReliev continues to develop new TENS and EMS devices as the technology evolves. This is something that Bob and Brad can clearly get behind.
Their TENS therapy library ranges from videos that discuss relieving muscle and joint pain with an iReliev TENS and EMS unit to when and how to make the most of the iReliev TENS unit. Bob and Brad may have a goofy sense of humor, but their knowledge of physical therapy and self-care and treatment is serious and reliable. Trust them when they say that the iReliev TENS unit is a great solution for pain relief.